Althought FreeNAS is based on FreeBSD, the method of installation of drivers are different.

You need to follow the following steps (Assuming you have installed FreeNAS in a bootable USB disk)  :

  1. Download the drivers for FreeBSD for your respective HBA at the Adaptec website.
  2. Determine the version of the FreeBSD that is used for your FreeNAS installation.
    FreeNAS 9.10 is now FreeBSD 10.3-RC3
  3. Save a copy of the FreeBSD .ko driver file from the relevant version and x86 or x64 into a USB drive formatted with FAT.
  4. Insert the USB into the FreeNAS and discover the device ID :
    # dmesg
  5. You can use the device ID (assuming da1s1) discovered to mount your USB by first making a folder :
    # mkdir /mnt/usb
    # mount -t msdosfs /dev/da1s1 /mnt/usb
  6. Copy and rename the .ko file to the /boot/kernel folder
    # cp /mnt/usb/pmspcv64.ko /boot/kernel/pmspcv.ko
  7. Edit the /boot/device.hints file with your favourite editor (eg. vi) and include the following line at the end :"pmspcv"
  8. Login to FreeNAS and go to System>Tunables and Add pmspcv_load = “YES” as a Loader type.
  9. Reboot and you should be able to detect all the drives attached to your HBA!